Tuesday, September 28, 2010


People in the beginner section of class are always asking "How do I shred?? How do I sweep pick, I want to be fast?"

The questions are so general and ill-informed it makes me cry.  Shredding is simply playing fast.  Pick as fast as you can, tap as fast as you can, whatever bro.  By technicality that is what shredding is.  Shredding well, however, requires technical proficiency in several areas and improvisational knowledge...and good taste.  Sweep picking is simply one of the areas, and fast picking is not what most people want, ACCURATE picking is. Either way, most advanced things are just more intricate parts of little things, like a huge ass pyramid.

Hopefully I can cover all of these in lessons to come, so ask away for what you want to see first in the comment box.

Cordially yours,



  1. im a guitar play myself so looking forward to your future posts ^^

  2. Srhed is for wankers, the real art is on the riffs

  3. I'm a beginner guitar player, gonna follow you... My last guitar teacher was terribad x_X

  4. You know, I've always wanted to get into guitar. Perhaps I'll look into it some more!

  5. I'm taking a guitar class at school. Learned our first 2 cords in 3 weeks XD. I defiantly just need to teach myself

  6. im trying out my hand at synthesizer keyboards...

    i can just set it on guitar and mash away

    following :)

  7. advice them to play guitar hero :P

  8. You should do some videos!

  9. I want to play a guitar as well, but it seems so hard...
